Across the Table - Superheroes

Rachel Everett, Caleb Smith, Jonah Chadwin, Dhruv Singh

In this episode, staffers Dhruv, Caleb, Jonah, and Rachel discuss their opinions on Spiderman: No Way Home, the Marvel Cinematic Universe and superheroes as a whole. Listen on Spotify or Apple Music.

Dhruv: Hello and welcome to point of view where we give students a place to listen and learn. We're your hosts, Dhruv,

Caleb: Caleb,

Jonah: Jonah,

Rachel: and Rachel.

Dhruv: And today we'll be talking about Spider Man, the recent movie, and superheroes as a whole. We won't be getting into spoilers until later in the episode, so I'll give you a warning when we start that. Okay, so recently, we're kind of been like, the biggest theme in Entertainment has been superheroes. Wouldn’t you guys agree?

All: Yeah.

Dhruv: So I like, at least for me, I feel like you can kind of see these like themes like, over history, like they're like cowboys in the 60s and like sci-fi mania stuff, like what you guys think like,

Caleb: Would you consider Indiana Jones like a super?

Dhruv: Yeah, There was like a point where like action movies and like, like, heist stuff was really popular, like Ocean's 11. Like,

Caleb: I never really got into Indiana Jones. But like, I've heard that that's been like a big thing, especially like, back in the day. I don't remember when that came out though. When did it come out?

Dhruv: Like the 80s.

Caleb: 80s. Okay, yeah.

Dhruv: So like, I think that if we're like, following those trends, we're kind of in like a big superhero. I guess renaissance right now, like superhero movies have been around a long time. But now they're kind of, they look a lot a lot different.

Caleb: They're very different from when they were before. But they're at like its peak right now. Especially with the animation and what they're including and kind of like their ideas of how they're forming these movies together is like, yeah, really crazy.

Rachel: It seems to be like they're interweaving each other. And it's not just like one film and then another one, it’s the entire story.

Dhruv: Yeah, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, like that's the term is like, I think it might have been the first to do that, you know, where you take different series. And you like, tie them together? And like, build off each other, like, tease each other and stuff. I don't actually know if anything has done it in that like regard before?

Jonah: I don't know. I don't think the DC has done it nearly as well.

Dhruv: Yeah, no, for sure. If we're talking, It also has a lot of like copycats. Yeah. Like, yeah, DC tried it. And then like there was a point where I think was universal was trying it with like their like horror movie.

Caleb: Like, stories can have sequels and like a like a movie after that. But they're, they don't really like connect, as well as what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is doing. Kind of like building off each other each, like each movie, and kind of getting better as they go.

Jonah: Yeah. And they have stuff planned out for the next I think six years. I think Kevin Feige said in an interview.

Caleb: Yeah, that's crazy.

Dhruv: I think it's, it's kind of like a TV show, right? Like, you get connected to these characters. Because you have so much time with them. Yeah. And like, you get to spend like several episodes with one character, you build them up, you like have like multiple conflicts and stuff. And like, a cinematic universe kind of does the same thing. It's just on a much larger scale, like bigger budgets. Yeah, like, I guess more fleshed-out stories and stuff. And like, I personally feel like there are some downsides to that. Like, I know, it's kind of controversial just to like, because I love Marvel movies and stuff, and I love superhero movies. They're some of the most fun like, they deliver themes and stuff while also being fun without like requiring too much thought and stuff. So I think they're like, really accessible by a wide audience. The thing is, though, that I kind of feel like when you have such a large amount of like entertainment right now being one thing. Like, I think Marvel is like 1/4 of the entertainment industry right now.

All: Yeah.

Dhruv: I feel like it can get like-

Caleb: Overwhelming?

Dhruv: Yeah.

Caleb: Um, I guess I could agree. But I think all the content that they're putting out is almost trying to build their fan base even more than what it already was. Yeah, Marvel has been popular for like, for what- decades? I don't know how long it's like been a thing. Like, even before, like, back in the comics, like they had a lot of fans and stuff. But I think that with all the content they're putting out, it could seem overwhelming, but I do love like enjoying seeing that. Because when movies come out they’re like two years apart, but if they're putting out the TV shows and the movies, like kinda like not back to back, but they're in close in proximity. I think that it kind of gets us closer to those characters in the story.

Jonah: Yeah, and in a few years, they'll have more than I think 40 projects and for new people that are just jumping on that's gonna be really hard for them to get into it.

Dhruv: It’s intimidating.

Jonah: But I feel like it's definitely worth it. There are a lot of stories that you can just like watch on your own and some series that you can watch on your own without needing to know the other things.

Dhruv: Yes.

Rachel: Do you also think that it's kind of getting oversaturated?

Dhruv: I think I think that like- I know I personally, before this most recent Spider Man movie, I was kind of feeling burnt out on it. Because I've been like a big superhero fan like I’ve loved Spider Man since I was like really young and stuff like all this. But you know, after like seeing Marvel so much over the last few years I saw those three shows they released like the Captain America and Loki and WandaVision stuff.

Jonah: Yeah.

Dhruv: And like after that I just kind of feeling burnt out. I wasn't that interested in like any new movies that they were gonna release. I won't lie, Spider Man kind of brought me back on though.

Caleb: Yeah, that was a crazy movie.

Dhruv: But I do think that like oversaturation and just like the sheer amount of content, like it kind of makes each one less special for me. At least, I can see like-

Caleb: I can see your point.

Jonah: I see your point. I just, I disagree, because I feel like it just, they all have their own thing about them. Yeah. And they are all so different. And I just, they don't get boring for me. I don't, I don't think they ever will for me.

Rachel: I think that like it's almost intimidating, but also at the same time, it's just so much and not enough time in a way. Like back in early 2021, WandaVision came out, then like a week later, Falcon and the Winter Soldier came out, and then Loki and then there was just so much other stuff. And it's like, you don't have enough time to catch up. Like, I haven't been able to watch all of Hawkeye yet. And I'm just like trying to find the time. It's just-

Caleb: But I think like with these, like TV shows, I think Marvel's aspect was that although movies take a lot longer to make, I think that with them putting these shows out, it's almost giving us this like leisure time where we can watch this at home, and then in that time, they're making movies that we can go see once those are finished. So that way we could like, I mean, not necessarily like kind of keep intact of what's going on in this universe. And like kind of how everything will connect once that next big movie comes out kind of like Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Jonah: Yeah. And I really liked even diving deeper into those characters that we haven't seen as often that might be overlooked like Hawkeye, Wandavision and Bucky and Falcon using them more, they've gotten more screentime than some of those other bigger characters because they've got their own series now.

Dhruv: I think like if we're talking about the characters specifically, like, we like zoom out a little bit to talk about superheroes. I think it's really interesting that they're like, they're having like, they're like seen in a different form now. And I think they're kind of like folktales if you think about it, yeah, they've been around for like, a long, long time, like since the 50s. Like somebody's like Spider Man's like the 60s and 70s and a ton of different iterations. But like, when you reduce it to its core, it is kind of like just like, it's something to like latch on to. It's like something to relate to. It's like a story that like a kid can like, really enjoy like learn lessons from. Dometimes there will also be like really goofy comic book like storylines and stuff, but the main like, essence is like- you guys have any thoughts on that?

Jonah: I feel like for all of us, there's a Marvel character out there that we can all relate to, probably a lot of them.

Caleb: Even like Kate Bishop. I think that kind of like storytelling, like if we were in Kate bishops position, like her looking at Hawkeye, I think well, this is kind of a spoiler if you guys haven’t watched the Hawkeye series yet, but just Kate Bishop looking up to Hawkeye and just seeing him on the side of the building. And like saving people, even when there's aliens, he had no powers like the rest of his, like the rest of the Avengers. She kind of took up that and was like, wow, okay, I'm gonna take this lesson. I'm gonna learn to fight people. And then she got really good at archery and knew how to find that sort of thing.

Dhruv: Yeah, I think that at their best, like superhero movies are just, they go deep on a character or they show you like a character that you can kind of relate to. And then there's just like fun action on top of that stuff. Like it's fun movies. I think that the core though, is that character, like, when they're my issue with them is that sometimes like, a movie will come out and that character is missing. It feels like it's just part of like the cinematic universe and stuff.

Caleb: What example would you give?

Dhruv: I'd say something like, like the first Dr. Strange, right? I love him. I think he's super cool. But that first movie, I feel like he's kind of bland. At least in that first one. But yeah, I think he's coming into his own. I'm really excited for this next one.

Jonah: Yeah, I feel like at the beginning they sort of had to experiment with that character and get to learn him better and as it goes throughout I feel like they're doing better. And with Multiverse of Madness, I feel like they're gonna do better and make it his movie.

Dhruv: Yeah, like that's what I'm saying. Like, I think that when they are just using like a character or like a movie as a piece of a larger thing to like, build up to something. I think that's when I feel like okay, maybe the cinematic universe is detracting from like these individual pieces. You know what I mean? Also, sometimes like, something interesting about the cinematic universe, right, is the concept of like a bunch of different artists or directors coming and like making their own movie, and like their own unique style and then like, fitting into this larger piece and like you get like this like tapestry of a bunch of different styles and stuff. But the thing is, is that I feel like that's a missed opportunity because like sometimes these Marvel movies end up like looking the same. There's like not much unique voice in each one. I don't know if you guys disagree.

Jonah: Yeah, I feel like recently I feel like they've gotten better. Eternals felt really different than the other movies, Shang-Chi felt really different. And with all the new stuff they're putting out, I feel like they're all diving deeper into different sections, like, the Agatha show that they announced will dive deeper into the magic, like, just Multiverse of Madness and into that reality kind of thing.

Dhruv: Like making each individual piece pop more. Yeah. Like, I'm glad to see they're doing that a little bit more.

Jonah: Yeah, in the earlier days, they all had that same sort of tone. Yeah.

Caleb: Would you say they did that with No Way Home?

Jonah: I would say yeah.

Dhruv: I did think that No Way Home had a little bit more of like an individual voice. I think that like, I'll just leave like one last note on like, something. There's like, what was it- Martin Scorsese said something about Marvel movies- which gets thrown around a lot like every interview with a Marvel actor- they're asked like, “What do you think of what Martin Scorsese said?”. He said like that Marvel movies aren't cinema. He said they aren't cinema because they're like, theme park rides.

Jonah: Yeah, I've heard that.

Dhruv: And the thing is, is that that's like, really, it's pretty pretentious. And it like comes off really self-like dramatic and stuff. But I kind of see what he's saying sometimes.

Jonah: I kind of see it.

Dhruv: Because here's the thing, right? Okay. Okay. I see you nodding.

Rachel: I think Caleb and I agree. Or don’t understand.

Dhruv: Let me explain myself. Let me explain myself, right, because I get what you mean, it is really pretentious. And I think the way he said it was kind of like “They aren't cinema.” like is really like up his snooty. But when you watch an individual movie, right, it's like, it's a whole story. There's like a lot of thought that goes into it like, let me think of a movie. If I'm watching, like, shoot, give me a second.

Caleb: Dune.

Dhruv: Uh, well, that's also like a part of a franchise and stuff.

Caleb: Oh, is it actually?

Dhruv: Yeah, well, there’s like going to be sequels like, but let me think like, this movie, like Blindspotting. It's just a random movie. It's like its own story. It like has some characters when you watch it at the beginning and like, by the time it comes to the end, you've seen what like the people who made it like intended, like, it's a full story, there’s characters, like all this stuff. With a Marvel movie, you're watching like a piece. It's like a cog, you know, it's not like its own, like full machine, or at least sometimes it might feel like that. Yeah, instead it comes out as like, one piece that's building up to something larger. And also, they're like, sometimes they can be like, very corporate, or it can feel like it or something. It might not feel like personal. And in that regard, I can kind of see what he means by like, they're not the same as like a full singular movie.

Jonah: Yeah.

Caleb: Is that what you consider cinema?

Dhruv: Well, okay, I disagree with what like, what he said, but I can kind of see like a point. I mean, I don't want to come off as like- I still love Marvel Movies I'm like a dude. I see Spider Man, I’m like Oh!

Caleb: Yeah, every Marvel movie I get hyped.

Dhruv: I love them to be clear. I just like I think that that it’s an interesting point. There might be something to be said there. You know what I mean? Yeah, like, I don't know if you guys still disagree.

Jonah: I mean, not many Marvel movies have like, they all have really good acting. But how many Marvel movies have really won Oscars? Like Black Panther was, I think the only one?

Dhruv: Or it was nominated.

Jonah: Or yeah, it might have been nominated. Did it win any?

Caleb: I don’t think so.

Dhruv: I don't think so. No, it was GreenBook, which I don’t know was as good, either. But like, you know, I just, I think there's an interesting idea there. But where some people take like a stance, like, oh, all Marvel movies, they aren't on the same level and stuff. I think that's… With some of these Marvel movies, there's a lot of love that goes into them. You know, you can really tell like, I'm not trying to take away from that at all. I just think, I feel like it's a little bit different. Yeah.

Caleb: It's definitely different than a lot of the movies that we see today. I think they're doing their own thing. And they're succeeding at it, too.

Jonah: Yeah. I don't think they really care if they like win Oscars.

Dhruv: For sure.

Jonah: I feel like they just care about making the fans happy, giving the fans what they want to say. I feel like they've done that pretty well.

Dhruv: I think when they're at their best, they're just making like, just putting love into like a fun movie that you will really enjoy.

Rachel: I kind of like that whole aspect of not trying to win Oscars. Because you definitely can see movies that are like trying really hard to.

Dhruv: For sure. they're always pretentious.

Rachel: Yes. They're like trying to be so like dramatic and so like insightful and then you just go to a Marvel movie and you're just like let's have a good time.

Caleb: It’s just good entertainment.

Dhruv: Yeah. Sometimes you forget that like sometimes you need something simple.

Caleb: Yeah, you need something with like a bunch of different aspects of the storyline. Have you guys ever seen Cherry?

Dhruv: Cherry?

Jonah: With Tom Holland? Yeah.

Caleb: That movie, I feel like was trying to win an Oscar. Yeah, it just had a lot going on, it was actually really crazy. Watch it, but it's a long movie. But the question I have for you guys is, what do you think your favorite Marvel movie is? Or superhero movie?

Dhruv: Favorite superhero movie?

Rachel: Don't start with me. I’ll have to think about it. You go first.

Jonah: No Way Home easily.

Caleb: Okay. Ah, I might have to agree with you on that one. That movie was really good.

Jonah: I like the big climatic ones like Infinity War and Endgame.

Caleb: I would say it's either No Way Home or Endgame.

Dhruv: I like those but, well this is me. Like I love those like, bombastic super big stories. But for me, like my favorite is definitely Spider-Verse. I love that movie.

Caleb: Yeah? I’ve never seen it. Never seen it.

Jonah: If that was live-action that would be everybody’s favorite. I feel like some people take away from that because it’s animated.

Dhruv: Dude, the fact that it’s animated makes it better though.

Caleb: Makes it better?

Dhruv: Yes, it makes it better! You’ve got to watch this movie.

Jonah: The style of the animation is so great.

Caleb: Okay, maybe I gotta watch it before I say anything. But like, real life? I don't know if it could ever compare to animation.

Rachel: I definitely think Caleb should watch the movie before he comments.

Caleb: Alright, I’ll watch it.

Dhruv: The reason I like it, right, is because it has the essence of this character that has like, it has a really good interpretation of Spider-Man in my opinion. And then it's like, the style is like, it's incredible. It's like unique, which is so much fun to see. It's like I was watching it and I just like couldn't believe what I was seeing. The music's incredible, like, the visuals. And the story is like, it feels like contained and I kind of like that sometimes I kind of like a personal.

Jonah: Yeah, it really feels like kind of like a comic book come to life because they have like, comic book catchphrases like BAM, WHAM like, in the art. It's so cool to see that.

Rachel: It definitely felt like it just flew off the page like left the pages.

Dhruv: Yeah, I recommend that movie if you're curious. If you haven't seen it.

Rachel: I cannot decide on a favorite Marvel movie more so because I follow characters rather than movies.

Dhruv: I see.

RacheI: I think Dhruv- just all of y'all- you have such an amazing eye for movies and like seeing them into depth. I just like characters and actors.

Dhruv: That's fine.

Caleb: What did you say your favorite character was?

Rachel: Either Bucky or Dr. Strange so I would say either.

Caleb: There's no way! You just said Captain America yesterday.

Rachel: No! My favorite movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Doctor Strange.

Dhruv: I’m sorry for like trashing Doctor Strange.

Rachel: You're okay, I can kind of understand where you're coming from.

Dhruv: I like the visuals. I like the movie. The actual stuff is just the character.

Jonah: Yeah, that was the best part of Doctor Strange.

Rachel: The visuals are very, very impressive. But I like the magical element of Dr. Strange. I feel like seeing those possibilities is so… and seeing them delve into those possibilities in the magic. And even, actually, I can't say that. It's from Spider-Man so we will talk about that later.

Jonah: I like the side characters that steal the show in Marvel Movies. Like Karun the cameraman in Eternals. Morris from Shang-Chi, Yelena from Black Widow.

Rachel: Loki. The younger brother. Bucky.

Caleb: Yup.

Jonah: I love seeing those.

Dhruv: Okay, so two of us mentioned that No Way Home was our favorite and stuff and that's the one that just came out so let's talk about that one.

Rachel: But let's put a little spoiler warning.

Caleb: Yeah, let’s put a spoiler warning.

Rachel: If you have not watched the movie, do not listen. If you want to get it spoiled, then listen.

Dhruv: Go watch it and then run back and come listen.

Caleb: Let's just talk about our initial thoughts. You can go ahead Dhruv.

Dhruv: So, I love it. I think, you know if I'm looking at it like as a celebration of the character, like as a Spider-Man fan and just like a superhero movie. I think it's perfect. I think it hits all the notes like I would want it to and I had a ton of fun watching it.

Rachel: What notes did you want it to hit that it did hit or some examples?

Dhruv: Well like, I think it nailed the character. I think like- I watched it and I felt like there's like a story it wanted to tell, emotional beats it wanted to hit and it hit all those and I loved it. Like, it made me feel something and I think that's like the best thing a movie can do you know.

Caleb: I think that with this Spider-Man I think he's finally really become like Spider-Man, especially with the decisions that he made and then kind of the loss that he suffered. I feel like he's finally turning into the Spider-Man that is in the comics.

Jonah: Some people have criticized Tom Holland’s Spider-Man for being like IrOn BoY Jr but I feel like after this I feel like nobody can really say that.

Dhruv: You know all Spider-Man fans we love this. We do not want to see him winning we want to see him be at the worst point in his life.

Jonah: I feel like we saw that.

Rachel: For me, overall it was just like a lot. I'm one of those people that like gets really into movies and like experiences a lot of emotions. So I was like-

Caleb: Did you cry during this movie?

RacheI: I surprisingly did not. I came close to tears. I came close. There were tears in my eyes. I did not cry though.

Caleb: I cried.

Jonah: I bawled.

Rachel: Because I had stuff spoiled for me. So there wasn't like-

Caleb: See that's where it gets bad, like if you're spoiling a movie, then you like take away all of like the good feelings that come along when you see it for the first time. So that's why I had to see it like, the first day.

Dhruv: Okay, so we're in spoilers right now. So why don't we talk about the- let's talk about the overall concept. Like what happens in the movie and then we could talk about like, specific moments we liked. So, regarding the fact that they brought in- spoiler, spoiler- they brought in like, characters from other like, cinematic universe, like other series that were not part of it before. Like, I think that was a really cool idea.

Caleb: That was amazing, like, I had seen spoilers but like, like, um, I don't know what you want to call it, like people saying that they were going to be in the movie, but I didn't really like. I was having hope. But I didn't know if I truly believed it. And then when I finally saw it, I got so hype in the movie theater. Everybody in the back was screaming loud. That was the experience. Like I think I had the entire Northview senior class in that movie theater, like screaming loud, but no, I really loved that aspect that they added into it with adding Toby and Andrew.

Jonah: That was a really great movie experience. Just seeing everybody scream for your favorite characters. The Daredevil cameo coming. Yeah, Andrew saving MJ that was all.

Caleb: That made me cry like so hard. Yeah, something about it. Just like it hit super close to home. I don't even know why.

Dhruv: It’s a well written scene it’s great.It’s shot well. The movie also I know I said this earlier And actually, I feel like the director has like a more of a style on this one, you know? Yeah. Like the other ones feel kind of like flat I guess. Like yes, but like, it was a lot of fun to watch. Like, it was interesting. Like, there was like cool shots like the the CG is like great, obviously. Yeah. You like, it's just it there. Although there is one aspect of like, bringing in other characters like a celebratory thing that I'm worried about. I wonder if people are going to try and copy it.

Jonah: In the Flash movie. Weren't they gonna like bring back some characters like Michael Keaton’s Batman.

Dhruv: Okay, following the patterns in the DC universe right now. I feel like they're not going to be able to do it. That being said, this because of this recommendation, Aquaman is so bad. It's hilarious. It's so much fun. It's like the best DC movie I really recommend.

Caleb: It's not even that bad.

Dhruv: It's my favorite. But I think it's very silly. I think it's stupid. But I like that. Okay, I was like, happy with that.

Caleb: How’d we end up at Aquaman?

Rachel: In terms of like you saying, you wonder if there'll be any copycats.

Dhruv: Trying to do celebrations of like movies.

Caleb: That’s if they can even get that actor back.

Rachel: I was more so thinking about bringing other people into like the universe, but I also like, I know in like DC TV shows they have crossovers that are so confusing.

Caleb: But I think with the now they've actually confirmed that. Andrew, Andrew will be back and then Toby might be back for some more cameos in the future. So they actually like super fully back.

Dhruv: if they're like in it like

Caleb: It was cool. One time I don't know about Yeah, I don't know. I would love a third movie for Andrew Garfield. I don't know if it'd be the same.

Jonah: There was a reliable leak that said that there's gonna be a third movie with Gwen returning from like another universe as Spider-Gwen. In her universe Peter Parker dies. So that would be I think I'd love it.

Dhruv: So another thing like this movie kind of made me like, think about revisiting the old ones, right? Like the Tobey Maguire movies are great. Like that. They're like stylistic and there's so much fun. They're like they they know what they are. They're silly. Yeah, just like I will say I think the Andrew Garfield is like the best actor to portray Spider Man. I think he's very charismatic. I think he was my favorite to watch in the new one. I do feel like because of this movie, people are revisiting the Amazing Spider-Man movies and thinking like and saying they're better then they remember them being. I think those movies kind of suck.

Jonah: Those movies suck but I feel like Andrew being spider man wasn't the problem.

Caleb: I just rewatched them from Toby Maguire all the way down to the second movie for Andrew. And Toby's actually the quality and the entire like he's got to be the worst Spider Man. But he's still like I still love him like yeah, I have a love for him as a like a spider-man, but he didn't portray it well enough. And like the whole storyline was him and MJ like their whole like she didn't love she only loved spider-man she didn't love Peter Parker like I didn't really enjoy the Tobey Maguire I love the Amazing Spider Man. I think I thought those are for me.

Dhruv: I think personally, I feel like I agree with you that Toby Maguire like kind of like he's a good actor, but I think his portrayal is a little bit like it’s not as interesting. Yeah, and I think Andrew Garfield just really I love I think he's like my favorite pick but I just I just think his movies are really silly.

Jonah: His dynamic with Gwen was the best part of seeing them. That was great.

Dhruv: You think you want to talk about the villains in No Way Home bringing them back.

Rachel: Before we go to villains I do want to say I really enjoyed. Spoiler! I've we've already given a spoiler warning but when they were atop the Statue of Liberty it was really.

Dhruv: The banter.

Rachel: The back and forth with everyone was so nice.

Dhruv: I wanna see deleted scenes for this movie now because I'm sure there's a lot of those that they cut.

Caleb: Especially them interacting with each other like. When Ned yelled Peter and then all of them responded like that sort of thing. That was really good as like like they did really well with the movie that's all I can say like 10 out of 10 for Marvel.

Dhruv: Yeah, I think it's a great Spider Man movie I think it like wraps up the character well

Jonah: Well talking about the villains I feel like Green Goblin was just wow.

Caleb: I can't believe they got him back. I thought he was too old to come back.

Jonah: He was scary. He was a scary villain to see when like Peter was punching him as hard as he can, he’s just laughing.

Dhruv :I feel like Willem Dafoe is like the best actor.

Caleb: I didn’t realize that he was that strong I forgot that Green Goblin could do that.

Dhruv: I think they do some of the characters. I do think that Sandman and Lizard they weren't like given as much development which makes sense because they weren't as big they weren't as big of favorites also, I don't know if they're actors were actually there. I’m pretty sure the live action shots of them towards the end of movie are actually just reused shots.

Caleb: That like there was no like speaking like and then the same for Curtis Connor. I think thats his name Lizard. Yeah, he didn't do any like it looks like the same faces he was making in The Amazing Spider Man. I know that they were there but like, it's crazy.

Jonah: Yeah, I know that Sandman his shots like when you just actually saw him as a human were from the other movie.

Caleb: So that’s confirmed.

Jonah: Yeah. Okay. I'm not sure if those are though.

Dhruv: I think they redeem Electro. I think he’s really goofy in the Amazing Spider-Man movies.

Jonah: I love him.

Dhruv: I like this version of him quite a bit better.

Caleb: You like this one better?

Dhruv: I like this one better. I think he's more like entertaining to watch. He’s just kind of mustache twirling. He's pretty evil.

Jonah: He’s more comic accurate too with the yellow lightning.

Dhruv: Yeah, it's cool.

Jonah: I feel like they really took us on a big roller coaster ride because you have like Aunt May’s super sad death. And but then like, maybe five minutes later. Oh, Andrew and Toby are here. Yeah, they're like so happy that they're but oh, no Aunt May’s gone.

Dhruv: I think. Um, if I've one criticism for the movie, watching it again. I was so excited for the second half that the first half drag for me. Yeah, I think it works well on the first watch.

Jonah: I just like I feel like the first parts really good, but I feel like the second part just blows it out of the water.

Caleb: They brought in Doc Ok pretty early, though. Pretty early.

Dhruv: Yeah. Well, he was we knew about him beforehand and I think he was great. Yeah, really good job. The actor Alfred Molina. He's just great. He's like a super good actor and stuff. So it's fun to watch.

Rachel: Do we have any final thoughts before we end?

Dhruv: Yeah, overall, I just feel like this movie serves as like a great origin for this for the Marvel Universe as like Peter Parker, I think yeah, sums up the character. I think it's like, it's my personal favorite of the three Spider Man movies.

Jonah: This trilogy really like is a coming of age story. And those next that next trilogy is really gonna dive deep into him being on his own.

Caleb: I do wish that we got like more of an origin story for him. But I like where I went.

Jonah: Yeah, there's an animated series that they announced called freshman year that's going to be an animated and like thing that's going to be its origin story. Oh, that'll be cool. To see more of them.

Rachel: I'm for my final thoughts for superheroes in general. Or I guess the MCU in general. I'm looking forward to how this will set up future movies. Yeah, it definitely set up multiverse of madness.

Dhruv: Yeah, also Sam Raimi is directing that but yeah.

Caleb: I can't wait to see what Marvel as a whole is gonna do. Because the entire MCU is doing a really good job. I hope they don't end up falling off anytime soon. For about the next few years, who knows? Maybe Yeah, I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Dhruv: This concludes this episode of Across the Table. Thank you so much for listening. For a transcript of this episode, head to the point of view tab on our website, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook at @nhspointofview for updates and new episodes. We've been your hosts Dhruv,

Caleb: Caleb

Jonah: Jonah

Rachel: and Rachel and this has been Point of View.


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