How to submit a guest essay

What is a guest essay? 

A guest essay reflects the opinions of a writer through the use of facts and evidence. Guest essays can be crafted in an array of formats and writing styles, as long as they remain school appropriate. Although guest essays can be written for a variety of reasons, we prefer topics that are most relevant to our local audience. 


By submitting a guest essay, you give The Messenger’s editorial board permission to rigorously edit and review your submission prior to publication. This is to ensure your writing matches our publication format and is up to par with our stylistic standards. 

When submitting a guest essay, include a brief 20-30 word description of yourself at the top. Include your name, age, grade, etc., and a short blurb about who you are. This will help the readers gain a sense of you as a writer and your work. 

Your essay should also include a headline and subheadline. A headline is simply a title, while a subheadline is a short sentence or phrase that gives the readers an overview of your essay. 

Guest essays will typically be around 500 to 800 words, though there is no definite word requirement. 

Do not include an additional page for cited sources, simply cite them in your writing. 

How to submit

Please complete this form to submit your essay. We will get back to you shortly.